#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import dataclasses import logging import sys from urllib.parse import urljoin from typing import Optional from pathlib import Path import requests import nagiosplugin _log = logging.getLogger("nagiosplugin") @dataclasses.dataclass class Entities(nagiosplugin.Resource): url: str token: str device_class: str min: float max: float filters: list[str] attribute: Optional[str] friendly_name: bool def hass_get(self, endpoint: str) -> requests.Response: headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer " + self.token, "Content-Type": "application/json", } r = requests.get(urljoin(self.url, endpoint), headers=headers) if not r.ok: raise Exception("Failed to query Home Assistant API: " + r.text) return r.json() def check_api(self): message = self.hass_get("/api/").get("message") if message != "API running.": print("ERROR: " + message) sys.exit(1) else: print("OK: " + message) def probe(self): response = self.hass_get("/api/states") for state in response: if state["attributes"].get("device_class") == self.device_class and all( state["attributes"].get(k) == v for k, v in self.filters ): if self.attribute is not None: value = state["attributes"].get(self.attribute, -1) uom = None else: value = float(state["state"]) if state["state"].isnumeric() else -1 uom = state["attributes"].get("unit_of_measurement") if self.friendly_name: name = ( state["attributes"] .get("friendly_name", state["entity_id"]) .translate({ord(c): "_" for c in "'-"}) ) else: name = state["entity_id"] if state["state"] == "unavailable": _log.info(f"{state['entity_id']} unavailable") yield nagiosplugin.Metric( name, value, uom, context=self.device_class, min=self.min, max=self.max, ) def key_value(arg: str): k, _, v = arg.partition("=") return k, v class Icinga2ConfAction(argparse.Action): def __init__( self, option_strings, dest=argparse.SUPPRESS, default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help="Generate conf file for icinga2 CheckCommand", ): super().__init__( option_strings=option_strings, dest=dest, default=default, nargs=0, help=help, ) def __call__( self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser, namespace, values, option_string=None ): filename = Path(__file__).absolute() command_name = filename.stem.removeprefix("check_") # FIXME: assumes that script will be in a subdirectory of PluginContribDir command_path = filename.relative_to(filename.parents[1]) print(f'object CheckCommand "{command_name}" {{') print(f' command = [ PluginContribDir + "/{command_path}" ]') print(" arguments = {") for action in parser._actions: if action.dest in ["verbose", "help", self.dest]: continue arg_str = action.option_strings[-1] icinga2_var = arg_str.lstrip("-").replace("-", "_") print(f' "{arg_str}" = {{') if action.required: print(" required = true") if isinstance(action, argparse._StoreConstAction): print(f' set_if = "${command_name}_{icinga2_var}$"') else: print(f' value = "${command_name}_{icinga2_var}$"') print(f' description = "{action.help}"') print(" }") print(" }\n}") parser.exit() @nagiosplugin.guarded def main(): argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) argp.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0) argp.add_argument("--make-icinga-conf", action=Icinga2ConfAction) argp.add_argument( "-t", "--token", required=True, type=str, help="token for Home Assistant REST API (see https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/api/rest/)", ) argp.add_argument( "-u", "--url", required=True, type=str, help="URL for Home Assistant" ) argp.add_argument( "-d", "--device-class", type=str, required=True, help="device class of entities to monitor", ) argp.add_argument( "-w", "--warning", metavar="RANGE", required=True, help="return warning if battery percentage is outside RANGE", ) argp.add_argument( "-c", "--critical", metavar="RANGE", required=True, help="return critical if battery percentage is outside RANGE", ) argp.add_argument( "--min", type=float, help="min for performance data", ) argp.add_argument( "--max", type=float, help="max for performance data", ) argp.add_argument( "-a", "--attribute", type=str, help="check attribute instead of value" ) argp.add_argument( "-f", "--filter", type=key_value, default=[], nargs="*", help="filter by 'attribute=value' (may be specified multiple times)", ) argp.add_argument( "--friendly", action="store_true", help="use friendly name, when available", ) args = argp.parse_args() check = nagiosplugin.Check( Entities( args.url, args.token, args.device_class, args.min, args.max, args.filter, args.attribute, args.friendly, ), nagiosplugin.ScalarContext(args.device_class, args.warning, args.critical), ) check.main(args.verbose) if __name__ == "__main__": main()