diff --git a/membershipworks/views.py b/membershipworks/views.py
index ab20034..9b0dafc 100644
--- a/membershipworks/views.py
+++ b/membershipworks/views.py
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ from django.db.models import OuterRef, Q, Subquery
from django.db.models.functions import TruncMonth, TruncYear
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.template.defaultfilters import floatformat
+from django.utils.html import format_html
+from django.utils.safestring import SafeString
from django.views.generic import DetailView, ListView
from django.views.generic.dates import (
@@ -299,17 +301,34 @@ class InvoiceTable(tables.Table):
self.event = kwargs.pop("event")
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _math_header(name: str, formula: str) -> SafeString:
+ return format_html(
+ '{}
+ name,
+ formula,
+ )
label = tables.Column("Ticket Type", footer="Subtotals")
list_price = InvoiceMoneyColumn("Ticket Price")
- actual_price = InvoiceMoneyColumn("Actual Price [P]")
- quantity = tables.Column("Quantity [Q]", footer=lambda table: table.event.quantity)
- amount = InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn("Amount [A = P * Q]")
- materials = InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn("CMS Collected Materials Fee [M = m * Q]")
- amount_without_materials = InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn(
- "Event Revenue Base [B = A - M]"
+ actual_price = InvoiceMoneyColumn(_math_header("Actual Price", "P"))
+ quantity = tables.Column(
+ _math_header("Quantity", "Q"),
+ footer=lambda table: table.event.quantity,
+ )
+ amount = InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn(_math_header("Amount", "A=P*Q"))
+ materials = InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn(
+ _math_header("CMS Collected Materials Fee", "M=m*Q")
+ )
+ amount_without_materials = InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn(
+ _math_header("Event Revenue Base", "B=A-M")
+ )
+ instructor_revenue = InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn(
+ _math_header("Instructor Percentage Revenue", "R=B*I")
+ )
+ instructor_amount = InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn(
+ _math_header("Amount Due to Instructor", "R+M")
- instructor_revenue = InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn("Instructor Revenue [R = B * I]")
- instructor_amount = InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn("Amount Due to Instructor [R + M]")
class Meta:
attrs = {