
169 lines
5.3 KiB

from datetime import timedelta
from django.template.defaultfilters import floatformat
from django.utils.html import format_html
from django.utils.safestring import SafeString
import django_tables2 as tables
from .models import EventAttendee, EventExt, Member
class DurationColumn(tables.Column):
def render(self, value: timedelta):
if value is None:
return None
return floatformat(value.total_seconds() / 60 / 60, -2)
def value(self, value: timedelta):
if value is None:
return None
return value.total_seconds() / 60 / 60
class EventTable(tables.Table):
title = tables.TemplateColumn(
'<a title="MembershipWorks" href="!event/admin/{{ record.url }}">{{ value }}</a> '
'<a title="Admin" href="{% url "admin:membershipworks_eventext_change" %}"><i class="bi bi-pencil-square"></i></a> '
'<a title="Details" href="{% url "membershipworks:event-detail" %}"><i class="bi bi-receipt"></i></a> '
occurred = tables.BooleanColumn(visible=False)
start = tables.DateColumn("N d, Y")
duration = DurationColumn()
person_hours = DurationColumn()
meetings = tables.Column()
gross_revenue = tables.Column()
total_due_to_instructor = tables.Column()
net_revenue = tables.Column()
invoice__date_submitted = tables.DateColumn(verbose_name="Invoice Submitted")
invoice__date_paid = tables.DateColumn(verbose_name="Invoice Paid")
class Meta:
model = EventExt
fields = (
row_attrs = {
"class": lambda record: (
"" if record.occurred else "text-decoration-line-through table-danger"
class EventSummaryTable(tables.Table):
event_count = tables.Column("Events")
canceled_event_count = tables.Column("Canceled Events")
count__sum = tables.Column("Tickets")
instructor__count = tables.Column("Unique Instructors")
meetings__sum = tables.Column("Meetings")
duration__sum = DurationColumn("Class Hours")
person_hours__sum = DurationColumn("Person Hours")
gross_revenue__sum = tables.Column("Gross Revenue")
total_due_to_instructor__sum = tables.Column("Total Due to Instructor")
net_revenue__sum = tables.Column("Net Revenue")
class UserEventTable(EventTable):
title = tables.Column(linkify=True, accessor="unescaped_title")
instructor = None
person_hours = None
gross_revenue = None
net_revenue = None
class InvoiceMoneyColumn(tables.columns.Column):
def render(self, value):
return f"${super().render(value):.2f}"
class InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn(InvoiceMoneyColumn):
def render_footer(self, bound_column, table):
value = getattr(table.event, bound_column.accessor)
if value is not None:
return f"${value:.2f}"
return bound_column.default
class InvoiceTable(tables.Table):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.event = kwargs.pop("event")
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def _math_header(name: str, formula: str) -> SafeString:
return format_html(
'{} <div class="text-nowrap font-monospace fw-light">[{}]</div>',
label = tables.Column("Ticket Type", footer="Subtotals")
list_price = InvoiceMoneyColumn("Ticket Price")
actual_price = InvoiceMoneyColumn(_math_header("Actual Price", "P"))
quantity = tables.Column(
_math_header("Quantity", "Q"),
footer=lambda table: table.event.quantity,
amount = InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn(_math_header("Amount", "A=P*Q"))
materials = InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn(
_math_header("CMS Collected Materials Fee", "M=m*Q")
amount_without_materials = InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn(
_math_header("Event Revenue Base", "B=A-M")
instructor_revenue = InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn(
_math_header("Instructor Percentage Revenue", "R=B*I")
instructor_amount = InvoiceMoneyFooterColumn(
_math_header("Amount Due to Instructor", "R+M")
class Meta:
attrs = {
"class": "table table-sm mx-auto w-auto",
"tbody": {"class": "table-group-divider"},
"tfoot": {"class": "table-group-divider"},
orderable = False
class EventAttendeeTable(tables.Table):
class Meta:
model = EventAttendee
fields = ("name", "email")
class MissingPaperworkTable(tables.Table):
policy_agreement = tables.BooleanColumn()
authorize_charge = tables.BooleanColumn()
class Meta:
model = Member
fields = [