import csv from io import StringIO from lxml import etree from lxml.builder import ElementMaker import requests E_plain = ElementMaker(nsmap={"hid": ""}) E = ElementMaker(namespace="", nsmap={"hid": ""}) E_corp = ElementMaker(namespace="", #stupid nsmap={"hid": ""}) ROOT = E_plain.VertXMessage fieldnames = "CardNumber,CardFormat,PinRequired,PinCode,ExtendedAccess,ExpiryDate,Forename,Initial,Surname,Email,Phone,Custom1,Custom2,Schedule1,Schedule2,Schedule3,Schedule4,Schedule5,Schedule6,Schedule7,Schedule8".split(",") class RemoteError(Exception): def __init__(self, r): super().__init__( f"Door Updating Error: {r.status_code} {r.reason}\n{r.text}") class DoorController(): def __init__(self, ip, username, password, name="", access=""): self.ip = ip self.username = username self.password = password = name self.access = access def doImportRequest(self, params=None, files=None): """Send a request to the door control import script""" r = 'https://' + self.ip + '/cgi-bin/import.cgi', params=params, files=files, auth=requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth(self.username, self.password), timeout=60, verify=False) # ignore insecure SSL xml = etree.XML(r.content) if r.status_code != 200 \ or len(xml.findall("{}Error")) > 0: raise RemoteError(r) def doCSVImport(self, csv): """Do the CSV import procedure on a door control""" self.doImportRequest({"task": "importInit"}) self.doImportRequest({"task": "importCardsPeople", "name": "cardspeopleschedule.csv"}, {"importCardsPeopleButton": ("cardspeopleschedule.csv", csv, 'text/csv')}) self.doImportRequest({"task": "importDone"}) def doXMLRequest(self, xml, prefix=b''): if not isinstance(xml, bytes): xml = etree.tostring(xml) r = requests.get( 'https://' + self.ip + '/cgi-bin/vertx_xml.cgi', params={'XML': prefix + xml}, auth=requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth(self.username, self.password), verify=False) resp_xml = etree.XML(r.content) # probably meed to be more sane about this if r.status_code != 200 \ or len(resp_xml.findall("{*}Error")) > 0: raise RemoteError(r) return resp_xml def sendSchedules(self, schedules): # clear all people outString = StringIO() writer = csv.DictWriter(outString, fieldnames) writer.writeheader() writer.writerow({}) self.doCSVImport(outString) # clear all schedules delXML = ROOT( *[E.Schedules({"action": "DD", "scheduleID": str(ii)}) for ii in range(1, 8)]) try: self.doXMLRequest(delXML) except RemoteError: # don't care about failure to delete, they probably just didn't exist pass # load new schedules self.doXMLRequest(schedules) def getSchedules(self): # TODO: might be able to do in one request schedules = self.doXMLRequest(ROOT( E.Schedules({"action": "LR"}))) etree.dump(schedules) data = self.doXMLRequest(ROOT( *[E.Schedules({"action": "LR", "scheduleID": schedule.attrib["scheduleID"]}) for schedule in schedules[0]])) return ROOT(E_corp.Schedules({"action": "AD"}, *[s[0] for s in data])) def sendCardFormat(self, formatName, templateID, facilityCode): # TODO: add ability to delete formats # delete example: el = ROOT( E.CardFormats({"action": "AD"}, E.CardFormat({"formatName": formatName, "templateID": str(templateID)}, E.FixedField({"value": str(facilityCode)})))) return self.doXMLRequest(el) def lockOrUnlockDoor(self, lock=True): el = ROOT( E.Doors({"action": "CM", "command": "lockDoor" if lock else "unlockDoor"})) return self.doXMLRequest(el) def getStatus(self): el = ROOT( E.Doors({"action": "LR", "responseFormat": "status"})) xml = self.doXMLRequest(el) relayState = xml.find('./{*}Doors/{*}Door').attrib['relayState'] return "unlocked" if relayState == "set" else "locked"