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import requests
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import csv
from passwords import *
#credentialRanges = {"6": {"min": "20176", "max": "20350"}}
memberLevels = ["CMS Staff",
"CMS Weekends Only",
"CMS Weekdays Only",
"CMS Unlimited",
"CMS Nights & Weekends"]
ET.register_namespace("hid", "")
ET.register_namespace("hid", "")
XML = ET.Element("VertXMessage")
#TODO: both those might need more stuff:
# recordOffset="0" recordCount="4" moreRecords="false"
cardholders = ET.SubElement(XML, "hid:Cardholders",
attrib={"action": "AD", "recordOffset": "0"})
credentials = ET.SubElement(XML, "hid:Credentials", attrib={"action": "AD"})
def doRequest(xml):
return requests.get(
params={'XML': b'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' + ET.tostring(xml)},
auth=requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth(DOOR_USERNAME, DOOR_PASSWORD),
def makeRoleSet(roleSetID, scheduleID):
roleSet = ET.SubElement(XML, "hid:RoleSet", attrib={"action": "UD",
"roleSetID": str(roleSetID)})
roles = ET.SubElement(roleSet, "hid:Roles")
ET.SubElement(roles, "hid:Role", attrib={"roleID": str(roleSetID),
"scheduleID": str(scheduleID),
"resourceID": "0"})
def makeCardHolder(id, fname, lname):
attrib={"cardhlderID": str(id),
"forename": fname,
"surname": lname,
# "email": "", #TODO
# "phone": "", #TODO
"roleSetID": str(id)}
ET.SubElement(cardholders, "hid:Cardholder", attrib=attrib)
def makeCredential(cardNum, cardHolderID):
ET.SubElement(credentials, "hid:Credential",
attrib={"isCard": "true", #TODO: needed?
"cardNumber": str(cardNum),
"cardholderID": str(cardHolderID),
"formatID": "6"})
def handleRow(index, row):
makeCardHolder(index, row["First Name"], row["Last Name"])
memberLevel = [roleSetID for roleSetID, name in enumerate(memberLevels, 1)
if row[name] != ""]
if len(memberLevel) == 1:
makeRoleSet(index, memberLevel[0])
print(row["First Name"], row["Last Name"], "has no/too many member levels!")
if row["Access Card Number"] != "":
makeCredential(row["Access Card Number"], index)
def deleteStuff():
delXML = ET.Element("VertXMessage")
queryXML = ET.Element("VertXMessage")
ET.SubElement(queryXML, "hid:Credentials", attrib={"action": "LR"})
r = doRequest(queryXML)
respXML = ET.XML(r.text)
for cred in respXML[0]:
ET.SubElement(delXML, "hid:Credentials",
attrib={"action": "DD",
"isCard": "true",
"rawCardNumber": cred.attrib["rawCardNumber"]})
for ii in range(1, 300):
ET.SubElement(delXML, "hid:Cardholders",
attrib={"action": "DD", "cardholderID": str(ii)})
r = doRequest(delXML)
def main():
# Include schedules.xml fragment
# with open("schedules.xml") as f:
# root = ET.XML(
# for e in root:
# XML.append(e)
with open("export-16.csv") as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f)
for index, row in enumerate(reader, 1):
handleRow(index, row)
with open("/home/adam/scratch/test.xml", "wb") as f:
r = doRequest(XML)
print(r.status_code, r.text)
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# main()