import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as express from 'express'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import * as httpProxy from 'http-proxy'; import * as WebSocket from 'ws'; import * as yaml from 'js-yaml'; import * as expressWs from 'express-ws'; import * as messages from '../types/messages'; import * as octoprint from '../types/octoprint'; const PORT = process.env.PORT || 1234; type configuration = { printers: { [key: string]: { address: string; apikey: string } } }; // Load config const config: configuration = yaml.load( fs.readFileSync('config.yaml', 'utf8') ) as configuration; const proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({}); proxy.on('error', function (e) { console.error('Proxy failed:'); console.error(e); }); let printerStatuses: PrinterStatus[] = []; function broadcast(data: WebSocket.Data) { wsInstance.getWss().clients.forEach((client: WebSocket) => { if (client.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) { client.send(data); } }); } function broadcastPayload(payload: messages.ExtendedMessage) { broadcast(JSON.stringify(payload)); } const wsInstance = expressWs(express()); const app =;'/ws', function (ws, req) { printerStatuses.forEach((ps: PrinterStatus) => ps.send_init(ws)); }); app.get('/webcam/:printer', (req, res) => { let printer: PrinterStatus | undefined = printerStatuses.find( (p) => p.slug === req.params.printer ); if (printer?.webcamURL) { req.url = ''; // truncate the url for passing to the proxy proxy.web(req, res, { target: printer.webcamURL.toString() }); } else res.status(404).send('Not Found: Printer not known or has no webcam.'); }); app.listen(PORT); class PrinterStatus { slug: string; address: string; apikey: string; webcamURL?: URL; name?: string; websocket?: WebSocket; lastStatus?: messages.ExtendedMessage; constructor(slug: string, address: string, apikey: string) { this.slug = slug; this.address = address; this.apikey = apikey; try { this.init(); // async init } catch (e) { throw 'Failed to Init' + e; } } async init() { // TODO: error handling (try/catch) const settings = await this.api_get('settings'); this.webcamURL = new URL(, this.address); =; // do passive login to get a session key from the API key const login: octoprint.LoginResponse = await this.api_post('login', { passive: 'true', }); this.connect_websocket( + ':' + login.session); } connect_websocket(authToken: string): void { const url = new URL('/sockjs/websocket', this.address) url.protocol = 'ws'; this.websocket = new WebSocket(url.toString()); this.websocket .on('open', () => { this.websocket!.send(JSON.stringify({ auth: authToken })); }) .on('message', (data: WebSocket.Data) => { const event: octoprint.Message = JSON.parse(data as string); let ext_event: messages.ExtendedMessage = { ...event, printer: this.slug, name:, }; broadcastPayload(ext_event); if ('current' in event || 'history' in event) { this.lastStatus = ext_event; } }) .on('close', () => { console.log('Lost connection to ' + this.slug + ' reconnecting...'); setTimeout(() => this.connect_websocket(authToken), 5000); }); } async api_get(endpoint: string): Promise { const r = await fetch(new URL('/api/' + endpoint, this.address), { headers: { 'X-Api-Key': this.apikey }, }); return await r.json(); } async api_post(endpoint: string, data: any): Promise { const r = await fetch(new URL('/api/' + endpoint, this.address), { headers: { 'X-Api-Key': this.apikey, Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(data), }); return await r.json(); } send_init(ws: WebSocket) { let payload: messages.ExtendedMessage; if (this.lastStatus) { payload = this.lastStatus; } else { payload = { init: null, printer: this.slug, name: }; } ws.send(JSON.stringify(payload)); } } function initPrinters() { printerStatuses = Object.entries(config.printers).map( ([slug, printer]) => new PrinterStatus(slug, printer.address, printer.apikey) ); } initPrinters();