1. JB with Phoenix (via https://jailbreaks.app/legacy.html or 3uTools)
2. Follow instructions here to downgrade to 8.4.1: [[http://www.3u.com/news/articles/5841/untethered-downgrade-iphone-5-ipad234-ipad-mini-to-ios841-without-shsh][Untethered Downgrade iPhone 5/iPad 2,3,4/iPad mini to iOS 8.4.1 without SHSH]]
- Use 3uTools v2.55, or it will hang! (as per https://twitter.com/3utools/status/1455107861172797449)
- specifically, 2.58 was bugged at time of testing
- can be downloaded from http://www.3u.com/update-log
- for iPad3,2: Use [[https://github.com/LukeZGD/iOS-OTA-Downgrader/][iOS-OTA-Downgrader]] to enter kDFU instead of kDFUApp
- Ideally this would work for the whole downgrade, but it was a bit buggy :(
- tried older versions from [[https://code.google.com/archive/p/iphone-incarcerapp/][Google Code Archive]], but those don't work either. Maybe some incompatibility with another jailbreak library?
- "Store Demo" mode (see [[https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5011774/lock-down-iphone-ipod-ipad-so-it-can-only-run-one-app/8994690#8994690][StackOverflow answer]])
- works on iPad 1
- is kind of annoying, and doesn't disable touch screen
- can be escaped via =killall SpringBoard= or rebooting
- more notes: https://www.theiphonewiki.com/wiki/Smart_Sign