diff --git a/readme.org b/readme.org index ceba32c..8c40987 100644 --- a/readme.org +++ b/readme.org @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ #+OPTIONS: toc:nil * iPad Jailbreaking/Downgrading -** iPad 1: just use 3utools to update/restore and jailbreak +** iPad 1: just use [[http://3u.com/][3utools]] to update/restore and jailbreak ** iPad2,3 or iPad3,2 -*** We want to be on an untethered jailbreak, which seems to mean iOS 8.4.1. Some sources claim it is also noticably faster + We want to be on an untethered jailbreak, which seems to mean iOS 8.4.1. Some sources claim it is also noticably faster *** steps: 1. JB with Phoenix (via https://jailbreaks.app/legacy.html or 3uTools) 2. Follow instructions here to downgrade to 8.4.1: [[http://www.3u.com/news/articles/5841/untethered-downgrade-iphone-5-ipad234-ipad-mini-to-ios841-without-shsh][Untethered Downgrade iPhone 5/iPad 2,3,4/iPad mini to iOS 8.4.1 without SHSH]] @@ -16,39 +16,57 @@ - used Sideloadly on MacOS - daibutsu did not support iPad2,3 so EtasonJB was used -** Initial Setup - 1. ansible setup: - 1. install "openssh" and "apt 0.7 strict" via cydia - 2. ssh with =ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no mobile@iPad=, password =alpine= - 4. =su= to root (also password =alpine=) - 3. change passwords for mobile and root users - 5. =apt-get install sudo python vim= - 6. edit =/etc/sudoers= to allow =wheel= - 7. edit =/etc/group= to add mobile to =wheel= - 2. install [[https://cydia.akemi.ai/?page/net.angelxwind.mikoto][mikoto]] to disable OTA update notifications (and some other things) +* Initial Setup + 1. install "openssh" and "apt 0.7 strict" via cydia + 2. ssh with =ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no mobile@iPad=, password =alpine= + 3. =su= to root (also password =alpine=) + 4. change passwords for mobile and root users + 5. =apt-get install sudo vim= + 6. edit =/etc/sudoers= to allow =wheel= + 7. edit =/etc/group= to add mobile to =wheel= + 8. run =initial-setup.yml= playbook + - sets up ssh pubkey auth + - installs Python 2.7, needed for most ansible commands (retrieved from https://github.com/linusyang/python-for-ios/releases) + 9. run =ipads.yml= playbook + - installs [[https://cydia.akemi.ai/?page/net.angelxwind.mikoto][mikoto]] to disable OTA update notifications (and some other things) + - installs libactivator + - installs =Maximization= (=be.rud0lf77.maximization=) for fullscreen/status bar hide + - makes a webclip for https://reservations.claremontmakerspace.org, with tools defined in =hosts= file -* ansible -** Python 2.7 availible from https://github.com/linusyang/python-for-ios/releases - -* Fullscreen/status bar hide: - - =Maximization= (=be.rud0lf77.maximization=) seems to work fine on iPad 1/2/3 and doesn't need to be applied manually - - =Monocle= (=com.rpetrich.monocle=) works on iPad 2/3, but not iPad 1 - -* iPad lock/unlock via activator - #+begin_src bash - activator send libactivator.system.sleepbutton # lock - activator send libactivator.lockscreen.dismiss # unlock - #+end_src - -* Editing preferences: - can use plutil from http://repo.bingner.com/ to convert from/to binary plist - to restart the preferences daemon after editing a plist: +* Other notes +** iPad lock/unlock via activator #+begin_src bash - launchctl kickstart -k system/com.apple.cfprefsd.xpc.daemon + activator send libactivator.system.sleepbutton # lock + activator send libactivator.lockscreen.dismiss # unlock #+end_src + - Use Activator to schedule + - might just be easier to config manually + - activator config is in =/private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/libactivator.plist= + - can't do =LAScheduledEvents= events via =activator set= -* making a webclip: -** ~/Library/WebClips/whatever.webclip - can place an Info.plist and icon then respring and it kind of just works - - Can launch with =activator send com.apple.webapp= maybe? +** Fullscreen/status bar hide + - =Maximization= (=be.rud0lf77.maximization=) seems to work fine on iPad 1/2/3 and doesn't need to be applied manually + - =Monocle= (=com.rpetrich.monocle=) works on iPad 2/3, but not iPad 1 + +** Editing preferences + - can use plutil from http://repo.bingner.com/ to convert from/to binary plist + - to restart the preferences daemon after editing a plist: + #+begin_src bash + launchctl kickstart -k system/com.apple.cfprefsd.xpc.daemon + #+end_src + +** Making a webclip + - can place an Info.plist and icon into =~/Library/WebClips/.webclip= then respring and it kind of just works + - can launch with =activator send com.apple.webapp= maybe? - only seems to work when it is already running (ie to switch to it, not launch it) + +** Kiosk mode + - in iOS >=6, just use guided access + - in iOS <=7, maybe use IncarcerApp + +** Let's Encrypt certificates + - Can install cert PEM via gui, probably too much of a pain to automate it + - profile installed as =/User/Library/ConfigurationProfiles/.stub= + - enabled in =/User/Library/ConfigurationProfiles/PayloadManifest.plist= + - cert also enabled/trusted somewhere else? + - seems like it will only install one cert per pem, so install ISRG root cert