#!/usr/bin/env python3 from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import re import requests from common import * TARGET_IP = '' def getStrings(): """Parses out the message strings from source.""" r = requests.get('https://' + TARGET_IP + '/html/en_EN/en_EN.js', auth=requests.auth.HTTPDigestAuth(DOOR_USERNAME, DOOR_PASSWORD), verify=False) regex = re.compile(r'([0-9]+)="([^"]*)') strings = [regex.search(s) for s in r.text.split(';') if s.startswith('localeStrings.eventDetails')] print({int(g.group(1)): g.group(2) for g in strings}) # hardcoded for less bandwidth usage eventStrings = { 1022: 'Denied Access{6} Card Not Found {3}', 1023: 'Denied Access{6} Access PIN Not Found {3}', 2020: 'Granted Access{6} {2}', 2021: 'Granted Access{6} Extended Time {2}', 2024: 'Denied Access{6} Schedule {2}', 2029: 'Denied Access{6} Wrong PIN {2}', 2036: 'Denied Access{6} Card Expired {2}', 2042: 'Denied Access{6} PIN Lockout {2}', 2043: 'Denied Access{6} Unassigned Card {3}', 2044: 'Denied Access{6} Unassigned Access PIN {3}', 2046: 'Denied Access - PIN Expired {2}', 4051: 'REX Switch Alarm', 7020: 'Time Set to: {5}', 12031: 'Granted Access{6} Manual', 12032: 'Door Unlocked', 12033: 'Door Locked', 4034: 'Alarm Acknowledged', 4035: 'Door Locked-Scheduled', 4036: 'Door Unlocked-Scheduled', 4041: 'Door Forced Alarm', 4042: 'Door Held Alarm', 4043: 'Tamper Switch Alarm', 4044: 'AC Failure', 4045: 'Battery Failure', } # # # get parameters for messages to get? # honestly not really sure why this is required, their API is confusing parXMLIn = ET.Element("VertXMessage") ET.SubElement(parXMLIn, "hid:EventMessages", attrib={"action": "LR"}) parXMLOut = doXMLRequest(TARGET_IP, ET.tostring(parXMLIn)) # get the actual messages eventsXMLIn = ET.Element("VertXMessage") ET.SubElement(eventsXMLIn, "hid:EventMessages", attrib={"action": "LR", "recordCount": "1000", "historyRecordMarker": parXMLOut[0].attrib["historyRecordMarker"], "historyTimestamp": parXMLOut[0].attrib["historyTimestamp"]}) eventsXMLOut = doXMLRequest(TARGET_IP, ET.tostring(eventsXMLIn)) for event in eventsXMLOut[0]: ET.dump(event) att = event.attrib eventType = int(att["eventType"]) print(att["timestamp"], eventStrings[eventType].format( 'ios-' + att.get('ioState', ''), 'status-' + att.get('commandStatus', ''), att.get('forename', '') + " " + att.get('surname', ''), att.get('rawCardNumber', ''), att.get('oldTime', ''), att.get('newTime', ''), "IN" if att.get("readerAddress", '') == '0' else "OUT"))