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# Claremont MakerSpace Windows 10 Deployment
A mess of various stuff to install Windows 10 via the network, with automatic hostname assignment from [Snipe-IT]( and installation of [Salt]( minion.
Domain join and rest of setup (installing applications, applying configuration, etc.) is done afterwords by Salt and group policy.
## Usage
In theory, just enable UEFI PXE Booting, plug into the `CMS Classroom` network, and select `PXE Boot (IPV4)` (or similar) as a boot option.
- For computers with UEFI, but without UEFI PXE (for some reason...), you can make a USB drive to jumpstart the process by with `ipxe.usb` ([see below](#build-ipxe))
- For computers without Ethernet, a USB Ethernet adapter can be used (I'm not sure which adapters work, but USB 3 seems to have added a more standardized interface, so is more likely to work)
- In theory, some WiFi adapters support PXE booting (and are supported by iPXE), but not the ones in the latops CMS has
## Setup
Somewhat based on [this helpful guide][pxe_win].
Written for Debian 11.
Various hostnames and exact paths may need to be adjusted in provided files.
Also assumes UEFI booting, because Legacy booting is pretty deprecated at this point.
### Enable PXE booting in DHCP server
Depends pretty heavily on DHCP server, but in UniFi it's in `Settings -> Networks -> <specific network> -> Advanced`.
See [previously mentioned guide][pxe_win] or [iPXE docs]( for more details (but ignore the bit about chainloading, as we instead are using an embedded script).
### <a id="build-ipxe"></a>Build custom [iPXE](
1. Clone `git://`
2. Copy [`embed.ipxe`](./embed.ipxe) to `src/`
- This allows for chainloading, without needing support from the DHCP server
3. Build PXE executable or usb image
make bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.usb EMBED=embed.ipxe SHELL="sh" # For USB drive
make bin-x86_64-efi/ipxe.efi EMBED=embed.ipxe SHELL="sh" # For PXE TFTP boot
4. `dd` `ipxe.usb` to a USB drive, if needed (for computers with UEFI, but not UEFI PXE)
### TFTP (via `tftpd-hpa`)
1. Install `tftpd-hpa` package
2. Copy [`tftp/main.ipxe`](./tftp/main.ipxe) (and `ipxe.efi`, if PXE booting) to `/srv/tftp`
- This doesn't actually need to be a menu; it could basically just be `chain http://<hostname here>:8081/poll/1/${mac} ||`
3. Copy [`tftp/`](./tftp/ to `/etc/`, and add `--map-file /etc/` to `TFTP_OPTIONS` in `/etc/default/tftpd-hpa`
- This is to work around some older UEFI PXE implementations, which add a 0xFF character (which they render as ÿ) after the file name for unclear reasons
### Hostname script
1. Install `python3` and `python3-requests`
2. Copy [``](./ to `/usr/lib/cgi-bin`
3. [Generate a token from Snipe-IT]( and edit it into the script
### [Shoelaces](
1. Set base URL, bind address, and data dir in `/etc/default/shoelaces`
2. Copy [`shoelaces`][./shoelaces] folder to `/srv/shoelaces`
3. Download [wimboot]( and put it in `/srv/shoelaces/static/windows`
4. Adjust `mappings.yaml` for the targeted subnet
### Windows Installer
1. [Download The latest Windows 10 ISO](
2. Extract the ISO to `software` SMB share, at `pxe/Windows10`
3. Retrieve the following files for pxe booting, and place them in `/srv/shoelaces/static/windows/windows10/` (keeping the folder structure):
### [Salt]( minion
1. [Download latest salt windows minion installer](
2. Place in `<software share>/pxe/Windows10/sources/$OEM$$/$$/setup/scripts/` as `Salt-Minion-Setup.exe`
- This slightly magic path will place the files at `C:\Windows\Setup\Scripts` in the installed OS
3. Copy [`SetupComplete.cmd`](./SetupComplete.cmd) to same directory
- This will be run after setup is complete as `SYSTEM`, and installs salt with the configured hostname as the minion name
## Sources/References
- [iPXE boot Windows and Linux, using uefi.][pxe_win]
- [iPXE - open source boot firmware [docs]][ipxe_docs]
- [Snipe-IT API Reference][snipeit_api]
[pxe_win]: "iPXE boot Windows and Linux, using uefi."
[ipxe_docs]: "iPXE - open source boot firmware [docs]"
[snipeit_api]: "Snipe-IT API Reference"