Adam Goldsmith 98daa460a6 Autogenerated using update_openapi_client from udm-rest-client
Actual generator command:

java -jar openapi-generator-cli-5.4.0.jar generate -g python-legacy \
  --library asyncio \
  --package-name openapi_client_udm \
  --additional-properties=packageVersion=1.0.2 \
  -i udm_openapi.json \
  -o ./python
2023-11-27 20:21:43 -05:00

47 KiB


All URIs are relative to https://ucs.sawtooth.claremontmakerspace.org/univention/udm

Method HTTP request Description
udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object GET /computers/windows_domaincontroller/{dn} Get a representation of the Windows Domaincontroller object with all its properties, policies, options, metadata and references. Includes also instructions how to modify, remove or move the object.
udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_create POST /computers/windows_domaincontroller/ Create a new Windows Domaincontroller object
udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_modify PUT /computers/windows_domaincontroller/{dn} Modify or move an Windows Domaincontroller object
udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_remove DELETE /computers/windows_domaincontroller/{dn} Remove a Windows Domaincontrollers object
udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_search GET /computers/windows_domaincontroller/ Search for Windows Domaincontrollers objects
udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_template GET /computers/windows_domaincontroller/add Get a template for creating an Windows Domaincontroller object (contains all properties and their default values)
udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_update PATCH /computers/windows_domaincontroller/{dn} Modify an Windows Domaincontroller object (moving is currently not possible)


ComputersWindowsDomaincontroller udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object(dn, user_agent=user_agent, accept_language=accept_language, if_none_match=if_none_match, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, x_request_id=x_request_id)

Get a representation of the Windows Domaincontroller object with all its properties, policies, options, metadata and references. Includes also instructions how to modify, remove or move the object.


  • Basic Authentication (basic):
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import openapi_client_udm
from openapi_client_udm.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://ucs.sawtooth.claremontmakerspace.org/univention/udm
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = openapi_client_udm.Configuration(
    host = "https://ucs.sawtooth.claremontmakerspace.org/univention/udm"

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
configuration = openapi_client_udm.Configuration(
    username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
    password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with openapi_client_udm.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = openapi_client_udm.ComputersWindowsDomaincontrollerApi(api_client)
    dn = 'dn_example' # str | The (urlencoded) LDAP Distinguished Name (DN).
user_agent = '' # str | The user agent. (optional)
accept_language = '' # str | The accepted response languages. (optional)
if_none_match = '' # str | Use request from cache by using the Etag entity tag if it matches. (optional)
if_modified_since = '' # str | Use request from cache by using the Last-Modified date if it matches. (optional)
x_request_id = '' # str | A request-ID used for logging and tracing. (optional)

        #  Get a representation of the Windows Domaincontroller object with all its properties, policies, options, metadata and references. Includes also instructions how to modify, remove or move the object. 
        api_response = api_instance.udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object(dn, user_agent=user_agent, accept_language=accept_language, if_none_match=if_none_match, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, x_request_id=x_request_id)
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ComputersWindowsDomaincontrollerApi->udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
dn str The (urlencoded) LDAP Distinguished Name (DN).
user_agent str The user agent. [optional]
accept_language str The accepted response languages. [optional]
if_none_match str Use request from cache by using the Etag entity tag if it matches. [optional]
if_modified_since str Use request from cache by using the Last-Modified date if it matches. [optional]
x_request_id str A request-ID used for logging and tracing. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, application/hal+json, text/html

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
400 Bad request syntax. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
401 Unauthorized. No Authorization provided or wrong credentials. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
403 Forbidden (e.g. unsupported operation) * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
422 Validation of input parameters failed. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
500 Internal server errror. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
503 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
502 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
504 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
200 Success * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Etag -
* Last-Modified -
404 Object not found. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


InlineResponse201 udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_create(computers_windows_domaincontroller, user_agent=user_agent, accept_language=accept_language, if_none_match=if_none_match, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, x_request_id=x_request_id)

Create a new Windows Domaincontroller object


  • Basic Authentication (basic):
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import openapi_client_udm
from openapi_client_udm.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://ucs.sawtooth.claremontmakerspace.org/univention/udm
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = openapi_client_udm.Configuration(
    host = "https://ucs.sawtooth.claremontmakerspace.org/univention/udm"

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
configuration = openapi_client_udm.Configuration(
    username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
    password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with openapi_client_udm.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = openapi_client_udm.ComputersWindowsDomaincontrollerApi(api_client)
    computers_windows_domaincontroller = openapi_client_udm.ComputersWindowsDomaincontroller() # ComputersWindowsDomaincontroller | 
user_agent = '' # str | The user agent. (optional)
accept_language = '' # str | The accepted response languages. (optional)
if_none_match = '' # str | Use request from cache by using the Etag entity tag if it matches. (optional)
if_modified_since = '' # str | Use request from cache by using the Last-Modified date if it matches. (optional)
x_request_id = '' # str | A request-ID used for logging and tracing. (optional)

        # Create a new Windows Domaincontroller object
        api_response = api_instance.udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_create(computers_windows_domaincontroller, user_agent=user_agent, accept_language=accept_language, if_none_match=if_none_match, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, x_request_id=x_request_id)
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ComputersWindowsDomaincontrollerApi->udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_create: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
computers_windows_domaincontroller ComputersWindowsDomaincontroller
user_agent str The user agent. [optional]
accept_language str The accepted response languages. [optional]
if_none_match str Use request from cache by using the Etag entity tag if it matches. [optional]
if_modified_since str Use request from cache by using the Last-Modified date if it matches. [optional]
x_request_id str A request-ID used for logging and tracing. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json, application/hal+json, text/html

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
400 Bad request syntax. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
401 Unauthorized. No Authorization provided or wrong credentials. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
403 Forbidden (e.g. unsupported operation) * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
422 Validation of input parameters failed. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
500 Internal server errror. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
503 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
502 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
504 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
201 Object created * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Etag -
* Last-Modified -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


InlineResponse201 udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_modify(dn, computers_windows_domaincontroller, if_match=if_match, if_unmodified_since=if_unmodified_since, user_agent=user_agent, accept_language=accept_language, if_none_match=if_none_match, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, x_request_id=x_request_id)

Modify or move an Windows Domaincontroller object


  • Basic Authentication (basic):
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import openapi_client_udm
from openapi_client_udm.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://ucs.sawtooth.claremontmakerspace.org/univention/udm
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = openapi_client_udm.Configuration(
    host = "https://ucs.sawtooth.claremontmakerspace.org/univention/udm"

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
configuration = openapi_client_udm.Configuration(
    username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
    password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with openapi_client_udm.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = openapi_client_udm.ComputersWindowsDomaincontrollerApi(api_client)
    dn = 'dn_example' # str | The (urlencoded) LDAP Distinguished Name (DN).
computers_windows_domaincontroller = openapi_client_udm.ComputersWindowsDomaincontroller() # ComputersWindowsDomaincontroller | 
if_match = '' # str | Provide entity tag to make a conditional request to not overwrite any values in a race condition. (optional)
if_unmodified_since = 'if_unmodified_since_example' # str | Provide last modified time to make a conditional request to not overwrite any values in a race condition. (optional)
user_agent = '' # str | The user agent. (optional)
accept_language = '' # str | The accepted response languages. (optional)
if_none_match = '' # str | Use request from cache by using the Etag entity tag if it matches. (optional)
if_modified_since = '' # str | Use request from cache by using the Last-Modified date if it matches. (optional)
x_request_id = '' # str | A request-ID used for logging and tracing. (optional)

        # Modify or move an Windows Domaincontroller object
        api_response = api_instance.udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_modify(dn, computers_windows_domaincontroller, if_match=if_match, if_unmodified_since=if_unmodified_since, user_agent=user_agent, accept_language=accept_language, if_none_match=if_none_match, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, x_request_id=x_request_id)
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ComputersWindowsDomaincontrollerApi->udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_modify: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
dn str The (urlencoded) LDAP Distinguished Name (DN).
computers_windows_domaincontroller ComputersWindowsDomaincontroller
if_match str Provide entity tag to make a conditional request to not overwrite any values in a race condition. [optional]
if_unmodified_since str Provide last modified time to make a conditional request to not overwrite any values in a race condition. [optional]
user_agent str The user agent. [optional]
accept_language str The accepted response languages. [optional]
if_none_match str Use request from cache by using the Etag entity tag if it matches. [optional]
if_modified_since str Use request from cache by using the Last-Modified date if it matches. [optional]
x_request_id str A request-ID used for logging and tracing. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json, application/hal+json, text/html

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
400 Bad request syntax. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
401 Unauthorized. No Authorization provided or wrong credentials. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
403 Forbidden (e.g. unsupported operation) * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
422 Validation of input parameters failed. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
500 Internal server errror. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
503 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
502 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
504 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
201 Created: The object did not exist and has been created. Deprecated: a move operation started, expect 202 in the future! * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Etag -
* Last-Modified -
202 Accepted: asynchronous move or rename operation started. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Location -
204 Success. No response data. A link to the modified resource in the `Location` header. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Location -
* Etag -
* Last-Modified -
404 Object not found. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_remove(dn, cleanup=cleanup, recursive=recursive, if_match=if_match, if_unmodified_since=if_unmodified_since, user_agent=user_agent, accept_language=accept_language, if_none_match=if_none_match, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, x_request_id=x_request_id)

Remove a Windows Domaincontrollers object


  • Basic Authentication (basic):
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import openapi_client_udm
from openapi_client_udm.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://ucs.sawtooth.claremontmakerspace.org/univention/udm
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = openapi_client_udm.Configuration(
    host = "https://ucs.sawtooth.claremontmakerspace.org/univention/udm"

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
configuration = openapi_client_udm.Configuration(
    username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
    password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with openapi_client_udm.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = openapi_client_udm.ComputersWindowsDomaincontrollerApi(api_client)
    dn = 'dn_example' # str | The (urlencoded) LDAP Distinguished Name (DN).
cleanup = True # bool | Whether to perform a cleanup (e.g. of temporary objects, locks, etc). (optional) (default to True)
recursive = True # bool | Whether to remove referring objects (e.g. DNS or DHCP references). (optional) (default to True)
if_match = '' # str | Provide entity tag to make a conditional request to not overwrite any values in a race condition. (optional)
if_unmodified_since = 'if_unmodified_since_example' # str | Provide last modified time to make a conditional request to not overwrite any values in a race condition. (optional)
user_agent = '' # str | The user agent. (optional)
accept_language = '' # str | The accepted response languages. (optional)
if_none_match = '' # str | Use request from cache by using the Etag entity tag if it matches. (optional)
if_modified_since = '' # str | Use request from cache by using the Last-Modified date if it matches. (optional)
x_request_id = '' # str | A request-ID used for logging and tracing. (optional)

        # Remove a Windows Domaincontrollers object
        api_instance.udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_remove(dn, cleanup=cleanup, recursive=recursive, if_match=if_match, if_unmodified_since=if_unmodified_since, user_agent=user_agent, accept_language=accept_language, if_none_match=if_none_match, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, x_request_id=x_request_id)
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ComputersWindowsDomaincontrollerApi->udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_remove: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
dn str The (urlencoded) LDAP Distinguished Name (DN).
cleanup bool Whether to perform a cleanup (e.g. of temporary objects, locks, etc). [optional] [default to True]
recursive bool Whether to remove referring objects (e.g. DNS or DHCP references). [optional] [default to True]
if_match str Provide entity tag to make a conditional request to not overwrite any values in a race condition. [optional]
if_unmodified_since str Provide last modified time to make a conditional request to not overwrite any values in a race condition. [optional]
user_agent str The user agent. [optional]
accept_language str The accepted response languages. [optional]
if_none_match str Use request from cache by using the Etag entity tag if it matches. [optional]
if_modified_since str Use request from cache by using the Last-Modified date if it matches. [optional]
x_request_id str A request-ID used for logging and tracing. [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, application/hal+json, text/html

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
400 Bad request syntax. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
401 Unauthorized. No Authorization provided or wrong credentials. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
403 Forbidden (e.g. unsupported operation) * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
422 Validation of input parameters failed. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
500 Internal server errror. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
503 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
502 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
504 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
204 Object deleted * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
404 Object not found. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -

[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]


ComputersWindowsDomaincontrollerList udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_search(filter=filter, position=position, scope=scope, query=query, hidden=hidden, properties=properties, limit=limit, page=page, dir=dir, by=by, user_agent=user_agent, accept_language=accept_language, if_none_match=if_none_match, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, x_request_id=x_request_id)

Search for Windows Domaincontrollers objects

Information about the object type and links to search for objects. The found objects are either referenced as HAL links or embedded via HAL embedded resources.


  • Basic Authentication (basic):
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import openapi_client_udm
from openapi_client_udm.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://ucs.sawtooth.claremontmakerspace.org/univention/udm
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = openapi_client_udm.Configuration(
    host = "https://ucs.sawtooth.claremontmakerspace.org/univention/udm"

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
configuration = openapi_client_udm.Configuration(
    username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
    password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with openapi_client_udm.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = openapi_client_udm.ComputersWindowsDomaincontrollerApi(api_client)
    filter = '' # str | A LDAP filter which may contain `UDM` property names instead of `LDAP` attribute names. (optional) (default to '')
position = 'null' # str | Position which is used as search base. (optional) (default to 'null')
scope = 'sub' # str | The LDAP search scope (sub, base, one). (optional) (default to 'sub')
query = None # dict(str, object) | The values to search for (propertyname and search filter value). Alternatively with `filter` a raw LDAP filter can be given. (optional)
hidden = True # bool | Include hidden/system objects in the response. (optional) (default to True)
properties = ["*"] # list[str] | The properties which should be returned, if not given all properties are returned. (optional) (default to ["*"])
limit =  # int | **Broken/Experimental**: How many results should be shown per page. (optional)
page = 1 # int | **Broken/Experimental**: The search page, starting at one. (optional) (default to 1)
dir = 'ASC' # str | **Broken/Experimental**: The Sort direction (ASC or DESC). (optional) (default to 'ASC')
by = 'by_example' # str | **Broken/Experimental**: Sort the search result by the specified property. (optional)
user_agent = '' # str | The user agent. (optional)
accept_language = '' # str | The accepted response languages. (optional)
if_none_match = '' # str | Use request from cache by using the Etag entity tag if it matches. (optional)
if_modified_since = '' # str | Use request from cache by using the Last-Modified date if it matches. (optional)
x_request_id = '' # str | A request-ID used for logging and tracing. (optional)

        # Search for Windows Domaincontrollers objects
        api_response = api_instance.udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_search(filter=filter, position=position, scope=scope, query=query, hidden=hidden, properties=properties, limit=limit, page=page, dir=dir, by=by, user_agent=user_agent, accept_language=accept_language, if_none_match=if_none_match, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, x_request_id=x_request_id)
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ComputersWindowsDomaincontrollerApi->udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_search: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
filter str A LDAP filter which may contain `UDM` property names instead of `LDAP` attribute names. [optional] [default to '']
position str Position which is used as search base. [optional] [default to 'null']
scope str The LDAP search scope (sub, base, one). [optional] [default to 'sub']
query dict(str, object) The values to search for (propertyname and search filter value). Alternatively with `filter` a raw LDAP filter can be given. [optional]
hidden bool Include hidden/system objects in the response. [optional] [default to True]
properties **list[str]** The properties which should be returned, if not given all properties are returned. [optional] [default to ["*"]]
limit int Broken/Experimental: How many results should be shown per page. [optional]
page int Broken/Experimental: The search page, starting at one. [optional] [default to 1]
dir str Broken/Experimental: The Sort direction (ASC or DESC). [optional] [default to 'ASC']
by str Broken/Experimental: Sort the search result by the specified property. [optional]
user_agent str The user agent. [optional]
accept_language str The accepted response languages. [optional]
if_none_match str Use request from cache by using the Etag entity tag if it matches. [optional]
if_modified_since str Use request from cache by using the Last-Modified date if it matches. [optional]
x_request_id str A request-ID used for logging and tracing. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, application/hal+json, text/html

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
400 Bad request syntax. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
401 Unauthorized. No Authorization provided or wrong credentials. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
403 Forbidden (e.g. unsupported operation) * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
422 Validation of input parameters failed. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
500 Internal server errror. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
503 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
502 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
504 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
200 Successfull search (if query parameters were given) or a object type overview. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -

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ComputersWindowsDomaincontroller udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_template(position=position, superordinate=superordinate, template=template, user_agent=user_agent, accept_language=accept_language, if_none_match=if_none_match, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, x_request_id=x_request_id)

Get a template for creating an Windows Domaincontroller object (contains all properties and their default values)


  • Basic Authentication (basic):
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import openapi_client_udm
from openapi_client_udm.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://ucs.sawtooth.claremontmakerspace.org/univention/udm
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = openapi_client_udm.Configuration(
    host = "https://ucs.sawtooth.claremontmakerspace.org/univention/udm"

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
configuration = openapi_client_udm.Configuration(
    username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
    password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with openapi_client_udm.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = openapi_client_udm.ComputersWindowsDomaincontrollerApi(api_client)
    position = 'null' # str | Position which is used as search base. (optional) (default to 'null')
superordinate = 'null' # str | The superordinate DN of the object to create. `position` is sufficient. (optional) (default to 'null')
template = 'null' # str | **Experimental**: A |UDM| template object. (optional) (default to 'null')
user_agent = '' # str | The user agent. (optional)
accept_language = '' # str | The accepted response languages. (optional)
if_none_match = '' # str | Use request from cache by using the Etag entity tag if it matches. (optional)
if_modified_since = '' # str | Use request from cache by using the Last-Modified date if it matches. (optional)
x_request_id = '' # str | A request-ID used for logging and tracing. (optional)

        # Get a template for creating an Windows Domaincontroller object (contains all properties and their default values)
        api_response = api_instance.udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_template(position=position, superordinate=superordinate, template=template, user_agent=user_agent, accept_language=accept_language, if_none_match=if_none_match, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, x_request_id=x_request_id)
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ComputersWindowsDomaincontrollerApi->udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_template: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
position str Position which is used as search base. [optional] [default to 'null']
superordinate str The superordinate DN of the object to create. `position` is sufficient. [optional] [default to 'null']
template str Experimental: A UDM
user_agent str The user agent. [optional]
accept_language str The accepted response languages. [optional]
if_none_match str Use request from cache by using the Etag entity tag if it matches. [optional]
if_modified_since str Use request from cache by using the Last-Modified date if it matches. [optional]
x_request_id str A request-ID used for logging and tracing. [optional]

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json, application/hal+json, text/html

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
400 Bad request syntax. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
401 Unauthorized. No Authorization provided or wrong credentials. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
403 Forbidden (e.g. unsupported operation) * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
422 Validation of input parameters failed. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
500 Internal server errror. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
503 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
502 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
504 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
200 Successfully received a template suitable for creation of a new Windows Domaincontroller. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -

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udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_update(dn, computers_windows_domaincontroller, if_match=if_match, if_unmodified_since=if_unmodified_since, user_agent=user_agent, accept_language=accept_language, if_none_match=if_none_match, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, x_request_id=x_request_id)

Modify an Windows Domaincontroller object (moving is currently not possible)


  • Basic Authentication (basic):
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import openapi_client_udm
from openapi_client_udm.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://ucs.sawtooth.claremontmakerspace.org/univention/udm
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = openapi_client_udm.Configuration(
    host = "https://ucs.sawtooth.claremontmakerspace.org/univention/udm"

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
configuration = openapi_client_udm.Configuration(
    username = 'YOUR_USERNAME',
    password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with openapi_client_udm.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = openapi_client_udm.ComputersWindowsDomaincontrollerApi(api_client)
    dn = 'dn_example' # str | The (urlencoded) LDAP Distinguished Name (DN).
computers_windows_domaincontroller = openapi_client_udm.ComputersWindowsDomaincontroller() # ComputersWindowsDomaincontroller | 
if_match = '' # str | Provide entity tag to make a conditional request to not overwrite any values in a race condition. (optional)
if_unmodified_since = 'if_unmodified_since_example' # str | Provide last modified time to make a conditional request to not overwrite any values in a race condition. (optional)
user_agent = '' # str | The user agent. (optional)
accept_language = '' # str | The accepted response languages. (optional)
if_none_match = '' # str | Use request from cache by using the Etag entity tag if it matches. (optional)
if_modified_since = '' # str | Use request from cache by using the Last-Modified date if it matches. (optional)
x_request_id = '' # str | A request-ID used for logging and tracing. (optional)

        # Modify an Windows Domaincontroller object (moving is currently not possible)
        api_instance.udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_update(dn, computers_windows_domaincontroller, if_match=if_match, if_unmodified_since=if_unmodified_since, user_agent=user_agent, accept_language=accept_language, if_none_match=if_none_match, if_modified_since=if_modified_since, x_request_id=x_request_id)
    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ComputersWindowsDomaincontrollerApi->udm_computers_windows_domaincontroller_object_update: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
dn str The (urlencoded) LDAP Distinguished Name (DN).
computers_windows_domaincontroller ComputersWindowsDomaincontroller
if_match str Provide entity tag to make a conditional request to not overwrite any values in a race condition. [optional]
if_unmodified_since str Provide last modified time to make a conditional request to not overwrite any values in a race condition. [optional]
user_agent str The user agent. [optional]
accept_language str The accepted response languages. [optional]
if_none_match str Use request from cache by using the Etag entity tag if it matches. [optional]
if_modified_since str Use request from cache by using the Last-Modified date if it matches. [optional]
x_request_id str A request-ID used for logging and tracing. [optional]

Return type

void (empty response body)



HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json, application/hal+json, text/html

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
400 Bad request syntax. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
401 Unauthorized. No Authorization provided or wrong credentials. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
403 Forbidden (e.g. unsupported operation) * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
422 Validation of input parameters failed. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
500 Internal server errror. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
503 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
502 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
504 (LDAP) Server not available. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Retry-After -
204 Success. No response data. A link to the modified resource in the `Location` header. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -
* Location -
* Etag -
* Last-Modified -
404 Object not found. * Cache-Control -
* Expires -
* Vary -
* Content-Language -
* Link -
* X-Request-Id -

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